May 31, 2010

Current Inventory of Growing Things

8 pickle cucumbers, with 3 gigantic pickles holding on for more companions.
3 pumpkin vines
1 bronze fennel plant
37 watermelon radish seedlings
7 cantaloup plants
28 banana pepper plants
6 eggplant
2 grapes, one black, one red
9 blackberry/raspberry stalks, I can't remember which is which
7 potato plants
25 corn stalks
27 climber beans
33 tomatillo plants - salsa verde ole!
32 strawberry plants
20 pattypan squash plants
5 bell peppers
29 tomato plants, 3 warding off blight
2 cabbages, loaded with aphids (should be getting rid of those!)
2 blueberries
1 passionfruit vine
11 swiss chard
2 collards, which I grow for the chickens
2 cucumbers
12 onions
1 lemon tree
1 orange tree
uncountable carrots, probably need thinning

At this time, I am watering all by hand, which takes me about one hour daily.  I keep my water bill down by using grey water from the washing machine and bio-eco-friendly laundry soap, but I need to reroute my soaker hoses so I can put them on a timer before the summer heat hits.
Other news is that my hollyhocks finally bloomed in their 2nd year and as soon as my camera battery recharges I will post pictures of their delicate loveliness.  In the meantime, enjoy my favorite rose (the only one that has survived my pitiable rose cultivation skills).  I can smell the fragrance of it just looking at the photo.
I am looking forward to sweating in the kitchen over the canner this summer!

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